A Laguna Niguel man was arrested and charged with Gross Negligent Discharge of a Firearm after he shot a TV in his apartment. According to The Orange County Sheriff’s Department, the 67 year old man was arrested after his wife reported that he shot the TV because he did not want her watching it. He was also charged with Felony Vandalism.

Penal Code Section 246.3, Gross Negligent Discharge of Firearm, is defined as the willful firing of a gun in a grossly negligent manner that could result in death or injury to a person. To be convicted of PC 246.3, the prosecution must prove all three of the following elements:

1. That you willfully fired a gun or BB device;
2. That it was done in a grossly negligent manner; and
3. That the discharge of the gun could have resulted in injury or death to a person.

Grossly negligent manner is defined as, acting in a reckless way that: 1) creates a high risk of death or great bodily injury; 2) demonstrates a disregard for human life or an indifference to the consequences; and 3) is such that a reasonable person would have recognized the nature of the risk.

PC 246.3 can be filed as either a misdemeanor or a felony and can subject you to serious consequences, including possible prison time. However, a good criminal defense attorney will be familiar with the variety of legal defenses associated with this crime. Below are some of the more common legal defenses to PC 246.3:

1. Self-defense/defense of another;
2. You were not aware that the gun was loaded; and
3. There was no risk of injury or death;
As noted above, PC 246.3 can be filed as either a misdemeanor or a felony depending upon the circumstances of the incident and your criminal history. If you are convicted of gross negligent discharge of a firearm, the following are possible penalties and punishments you could be facing:

Misdemeanor Conviction of PC 246.3: Up to one year in County Jail and a maximum $1,000.00 fine;
Felony Conviction of PC 246.3: 16 months or, two or three years in State Prison and a maximum $1,000.00 fine.

In addition to the above penalties, if convicted, you lose your right to own or acquire any firearms. A felony conviction prohibits you from owning a firearm for life and a misdemeanor prohibits ownership for 10 years.

It is important to note that in California, a felony conviction of Gross Negligent Discharge of a Firearm is a Strike under the Three Strikes Law. if convicted, and you are later convicted of another felony and then a third, you face a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years to life in state prison.

Anyone who is facing charges of PC 246.3 should immediately seek the advice and representation of an experienced criminal defense attorney who will pursue all defenses to reduce the chances of a felony conviction to avoid a strike on their record.

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A Santa Ana City Councilman, who was also once an Orange County, executive, has been charged with sexual battery, along with several other felony counts dealing with sexual misconduct. He has been charged with 12 felony counts and 3 misdemeanor counts in the Orange County Superior Court.

California Penal Code Section 243.4 defines sexual battery as the non-consensual touching of the intimate part of another for sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse. It can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending upon the circumstances.

In this case, the Orange County District Attorney has filed the sexual battery charges as felonies. The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony filing lies with the way in which the victim(s) were touched against their will. As an example, in this particular case it is alleged that the defendant restrained his victims from leaving the room or the area in which the battery occurred. This elevates the charge to a felony.

Orange County beaches are popular destinations for thousands over the Fourth of July holiday. The Newport Beach Police Department will have hundreds of uniform police officers keeping an eye on the celebrations, making sure the laws are followed. It is anticipated that approximately 200 officers from the Newport Beach Police Department, as well as other agencies will patrol the beaches, making arrests and writing citations. The agency has also requested additional support from other agencies including the California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Irvine, Santa Ana and Anaheim Police Departments.

Those breaking the law in the busiest areas of Newport Beach – West Balboa Boulevard between Pacific Coast Highway and 32nd Street, as well as Seashore Drive and streets between West Balboa and Seashore – can also expect to receive fines triple the regular amount. Officers will also be enforcing the city’s new law concerning loud or unruly gatherings. The law was approved last year and can result in a fine of up to $3,000 for the owners of property where boisterous parties occur.

For the Laguna Beach Police Department, Fourth of July is the busiest time of year. The department will be at full staffing, bringing in additional dispatchers, beach patrol officers and traffic cadets. Last year, 30 people were arrested and 118 tickets were issued between July 3 and July 5. Officers responded to almost 300 calls for service on July 4th.

San Clemente is expecting nearly 40,000 people to visit their beach and will also have additional “manpower” to assist with the heightened activity. They plan to have deputies on all-terrain vehicles patrolling the beaches. The biggest problems are loud parties, disturbances and illegal fireworks. Many of the calls are alcohol-related.

In Dana Point, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department plans to deploy eight mounted units, as well as dispatching all-terrain vehicles at Salt Creek Beach.

Most arrests during celebrations such as Fourth of July involve alcohol related offenses such as drunk in public and driving under the influence. Being arrested, charged and convicted for a misdemeanor such as drunk in public or DUI, can have lasting effects on a person’s life and for that reason, it is important for anyone facing a DUI conviction, or any alcohol related conviction, to have experienced legal representation. A good Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney, who has expertise in Orange County DUI arrests, will make every effort to have the charges reduced and/or dismissed. A key factor in choosing an attorney is to look for an attorney who is familiar with the Court in which the case is pending, as well as the other Courts in Orange County. A good relationship with the Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and other personnel can influence a positive outcome and ensure that you get the best possible result.

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Orange County beaches are popular destinations for thousands over the Fourth of July holiday. The Newport Beach Police Department will have hundreds of uniform police officers keeping an eye on the celebrations, making sure the laws are followed. It is anticipated that approximately 200 officers from the Newport Beach Police Department, as well as other agencies will patrol the beaches, making arrests and writing citations. The agency has also requested additional support from other agencies including the California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Irvine, Santa Ana and Anaheim Police Departments.

Those breaking the law in the busiest areas of Newport Beach – West Balboa Boulevard between Pacific Coast Highway and 32nd Street, as well as Seashore Drive and streets between West Balboa and Seashore – can also expect to receive fines triple the regular amount. Officers will also be enforcing the city’s new law concerning loud or unruly gatherings. The law was approved last year and can result in a fine of up to $3,000 for the owners of property where boisterous parties occur.

For the Laguna Beach Police Department, Fourth of July is the busiest time of year. The department will be at full staffing, bringing in additional dispatchers, beach patrol officers and traffic cadets. Last year, 30 people were arrested and 118 tickets were issued between July 3 and July 5. Officers responded to almost 300 calls for service on July 4th.

San Clemente is expecting nearly 40,000 people to visit their beach and will also have additional “manpower” to assist with the heightened activity. They plan to have deputies on all-terrain vehicles patrolling the beaches. The biggest problems are loud parties, disturbances and illegal fireworks. Many of the calls are alcohol-related.

In Dana Point, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department plans to deploy eight mounted units, as well as dispatching all-terrain vehicles at Salt Creek Beach.

Most arrests during celebrations such as Fourth of July involve alcohol related offenses such as drunk in public and driving under the influence. Being arrested, charged and convicted for a misdemeanor such as drunk in public or DUI, can have lasting effects on a person’s life and for that reason, it is important for anyone facing a DUI conviction, or any alcohol related conviction, to have experienced legal representation. A good Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney, who has expertise in Orange County DUI arrests, will make every effort to have the charges reduced and/or dismissed. A key factor in choosing an attorney is to look for an attorney who is familiar with the Court in which the case is pending, as well as the other Courts in Orange County. A good relationship with the Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and other personnel can influence a positive outcome and ensure that you get the best possible result.

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A 54 year old man was arrested in Laguna Niguel after being accused of assaulting the owner of the home where he was employed as a Gardner. According to witnesses, the Gardner and the owner began arguing over instructions being given by the owner. The argument escalated at which point the Gardner reportedly hit the owner with a gardening tool. The Gardner then reportedly went back to his truck and came back with a power hedge trimmer and began chasing the man with it. This man is facing, at the very least, assault charges and, more than likely, the Orange County District Attorney will file assault with a deadly weapon charges.
In California, the law defines Assault With A Deadly Weapon (ADW), as an assault that is committed with any type of deadly weapon or by means of force that is likely to cause great bodily injury to another. Simple Assault is defined as an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability to commit a violent injury on another person.

ADW, is usually charged as a felony. However, the prosecution can decide to file it as a misdemeanor depending upon the circumstances. This is referred to as a “wobbler” meaning that it can go either way. In deciding whether to file as an ADA felony or as a misdemeanor, three important facts must be determined: 1) The type of weapon allegedly used; 2) Whether or not the alleged victim sustained injuries and if so, how serious; and 3) The nature of the victim. Meaning, was the alleged victim an officer, firefighter or other “protected” person.

A “deadly weapon” is any object that is capable of producing death or great bodily injury to a person. For example, swinging a beer bottle at another, threatening to stab someone in the neck with a sharp pencil or using your car to hit another person or another person’s car while they are inside, all qualify as deadly weapons.

To be convicted of ADW, the prosecution must prove that the defendant did assault someone (keeping in mind the legal definition of assault) and that the assault was committed with a deadly weapon, or other means of force likely to cause great bodily injury. Unfortunately, in Orange County, California, innocent people are accused of ADW all the time. The accuser often times exaggerates or lies to the police officers when in reality, it may have been an act of self-defense or defending another.

Fortunately, there are defenses to Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer who has experience in defending ADW charges is curtail. Because the alleged victim does not have to have sustained any injury in connection with the ADW charge, it is easy to be falsely accused of and arrested for this crime.

A skilled California Criminal Defense Attorney will be familiar with the different types of defenses available to someone being charged and will know how to present these defenses to the prosecution in order to get the best possible outcome. Some of the defenses a good criminal defense attorney might use are: 1) The inability to actually carry out the assault; 2) Self-defense or defense of another; 3) Consent (an example would be participation in a fight club); 4) Lack of intent; 5) Insufficient evidence; and 6) Misconduct or failure to follow proper procedure by the law enforcement agency.

Anyone being accused of Assault With A Deadly Weapon in Orange County, California, should seek the advise of an attorney who is familiar with all the Courts in Orange County. An attorney who has a good working relationship with the individual Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and Probation Department, as well as the Court staff, will be better able to get your charges reduced and/or dismissed. An attorney familiar with the Courts in which a case is pending will result in the best possible outcome available.

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A 54 year old man was arrested in Laguna Niguel after being accused of assaulting the owner of the home where he was employed as a Gardner. According to witnesses, the Gardner and the owner began arguing over instructions being given by the owner. The argument escalated at which point the Gardner reportedly hit the owner with a gardening tool. The Gardner then reportedly went back to his truck and came back with a power hedge trimmer and began chasing the man with it. This man is facing, at the very least, assault charges and, more than likely, the Orange County District Attorney will file assault with a deadly weapon charges.
In California, the law defines Assault With A Deadly Weapon (ADW), as an assault that is committed with any type of deadly weapon or by means of force that is likely to cause great bodily injury to another. Simple Assault is defined as an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability to commit a violent injury on another person.

ADW, is usually charged as a felony. However, the prosecution can decide to file it as a misdemeanor depending upon the circumstances. This is referred to as a “wobbler” meaning that it can go either way. In deciding whether to file as an ADA felony or as a misdemeanor, three important facts must be determined: 1) The type of weapon allegedly used; 2) Whether or not the alleged victim sustained injuries and if so, how serious; and 3) The nature of the victim. Meaning, was the alleged victim an officer, firefighter or other “protected” person.

A “deadly weapon” is any object that is capable of producing death or great bodily injury to a person. For example, swinging a beer bottle at another, threatening to stab someone in the neck with a sharp pencil or using your car to hit another person or another person’s car while they are inside, all qualify as deadly weapons.

To be convicted of ADW, the prosecution must prove that the defendant did assault someone (keeping in mind the legal definition of assault) and that the assault was committed with a deadly weapon, or other means of force likely to cause great bodily injury. Unfortunately, in Orange County, California, innocent people are accused of ADW all the time. The accuser often times exaggerates or lies to the police officers when in reality, it may have been an act of self-defense or defending another.

Fortunately, there are defenses to Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer who has experience in defending ADW charges is curtail. Because the alleged victim does not have to have sustained any injury in connection with the ADW charge, it is easy to be falsely accused of and arrested for this crime.

A skilled California Criminal Defense Attorney will be familiar with the different types of defenses available to someone being charged and will know how to present these defenses to the prosecution in order to get the best possible outcome. Some of the defenses a good criminal defense attorney might use are: 1) The inability to actually carry out the assault; 2) Self-defense or defense of another; 3) Consent (an example would be participation in a fight club); 4) Lack of intent; 5) Insufficient evidence; and 6) Misconduct or failure to follow proper procedure by the law enforcement agency.

Anyone being accused of Assault With A Deadly Weapon in Orange County, California, should seek the advise of an attorney who is familiar with all the Courts in Orange County. An attorney who has a good working relationship with the individual Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and Probation Department, as well as the Court staff, will be better able to get your charges reduced and/or dismissed. An attorney familiar with the Courts in which a case is pending will result in the best possible outcome available.

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“Bath Salts” are an inexpensive, synthetic, super-charged form of speed. The drug consists of a potpourri of constantly changing chemicals, three of the main ingredients, mephedrone, MDPV and methylone, were banned last year by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made illegal the possession and sale of these three chemicals commonly used to make the synthetic drug “bath salts“. The ban was an emergency control, which will remain in effect for at least one year, while the DEA and the United States Department of Health and Human Services decide whether or not three chemicals should be permanently controlled.

However, in California, a recent law was just enacted which makes it illegal to sell, distribute, give away any “synthetic stimulant derivative“, a misdemeanor offense. At this point, simple possession of “bath salts” is not a crime. There are counties in California however that are in the process of making it illegal to both possess and sale the substances.

In May of this year, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, South Narcotics and Special Investigations Bureau conducted an undercover operation, which resulted in issuance of search warrants and the ultimate arrest of a 38-year-old San Clemente man. He was arrested and booked for violation of Health and Safety Code 11375.5, Unlawful Sale of Synthetic Stimulants and Unlawful Sales of Synthetic Cannabinoid Substances. Although it is illegal to sale and distribute “bath salts“, many head shops and smoke shops still package and sell it.

Simple possession of “bath salts” is, at this time, not a crime, however, the results of using this new “designer drug”, can and does result in being arrested and charged with misdemeanors and felonies. Because it is thought to be legal by teens and young adults, and is fairly easy to get, these young people are trying out this new drug, often times with devastating results. There have been reports of violence associated with the use of bath salts, as well as other bizarre behavior. So, while being in possession of bath salts might not result in an arrest, often times the behavior while on the drug will.

While the new law will impose fines and possible jail time for people arrested and charged with selling designer drugs, this pales in comparison to the consequences one might suffer if arrested for a crime while on the drug. As has been recently reported in the news, there have been several instances of people committing violent crimes while under the influence of “bath salts”. In these situations, it appears that these people were not career criminals with a propensity for violent crimes but are now faced with serious felony charges that will affect the rest of their lives.

Anyone who has been arrested for a crime while under the influence of “bath salts” should seek the advice of an experienced criminal defense attorney who is familiar with drug related offenses and specifically the defenses to crimes committed while under the influence. There are defenses that a skilled attorney will be familiar with. One defense in particular that may apply to a situation where someone under the influence of “bath salts” and commits a crime is the voluntary intoxication defense.

Voluntary intoxication is typically difficult to use as a valid criminal defense. But it may bear on the issue of whether you possessed the mental state to commit certain “specific intent” crimes. “Specific intent” means that you specifically intended the consequences of your act.

Anyone being accused of a crime in Orange County, California, should seek the advise of an attorney who is familiar with all the Courts in Orange County. An attorney who has a good working relationship with the individual Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and Probation Department, as well as the Court staff, will be better able to get your charges reduced and/or dismissed. An attorney familiar with the Courts in which a case is pending will result in the best possible outcome available.

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“Bath Salts” are an inexpensive, synthetic, super-charged form of speed. The drug consists of a potpourri of constantly changing chemicals, three of the main ingredients, mephedrone, MDPV and methylone, were banned last year by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made illegal the possession and sale of these three chemicals commonly used to make the synthetic drug “bath salts“. The ban was an emergency control, which will remain in effect for at least one year, while the DEA and the United States Department of Health and Human Services decide whether or not three chemicals should be permanently controlled.

However, in California, a recent law was just enacted which makes it illegal to sell, distribute, give away any “synthetic stimulant derivative“, a misdemeanor offense. At this point, simple possession of “bath salts” is not a crime. There are counties in California however that are in the process of making it illegal to both possess and sale the substances.

In May of this year, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, South Narcotics and Special Investigations Bureau conducted an undercover operation, which resulted in issuance of search warrants and the ultimate arrest of a 38-year-old San Clemente man. He was arrested and booked for violation of Health and Safety Code 11375.5, and Unlawful Sales of Synthetic Cannabinoid Substances. Although it is illegal to sale and distribute bath salts, many head shops and smoke shops still package and sell it.

Simple possession of “bath salts” is, at this time, not a crime, however, the results of using this new “designer drug”, can and does result in being arrested and charged with misdemeanors and felonies. Because it is thought to be legal by teens and young adults, and is fairly easy to get, these young people are trying out this new drug, often times with devastating results. There have been reports of violence associated with the use of bath salts, as well as other bizarre behavior. So, while being in possession of bath salts might not result in an arrest, often times the behavior while on the drug will.

While the new law will impose fines and possible jail time for people arrested and charged with selling designer drugs, this pales in comparison to the consequences one might suffer if arrested for a crime while on the drug. As has been recently reported in the news, there have been several instances of people committing violent crimes while under the influence of “bath salts”. In these situations, it appears that these people were not career criminals with a propensity for violent crimes but are now faced with serious felony charges that will affect the rest of their lives.

Anyone who has been arrested for a crime while under the influence of “bath salts” should seek the advice of an experienced criminal defense attorney who is familiar with drug related offenses and specifically the defenses to crimes committed while under the influence. There are defenses that a skilled attorney will be familiar with. One defense in particular that may apply to a situation where someone under the influence of “bath salts” and commits a crime is the voluntary intoxication defense.

Voluntary intoxication is typically difficult to use as a valid criminal defense. But it may bear on the issue of whether you possessed the mental state to commit certain “specific intent” crimes. “Specific intent” means that you specifically intended the consequences of your act.

Anyone being accused of a crime in Orange County, California, should seek the advise of an attorney who is familiar with all the Courts in Orange County. An attorney who has a good working relationship with the individual Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and Probation Department, as well as the Court staff, will be better able to get your charges reduced and/or dismissed. An attorney familiar with the Courts in which a case is pending will result in the best possible outcome available.

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California defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being or a fetus with malice aforethought.” As straightforward as that sounds, there are many degrees to the charge of murder. The circumstances of how the person was killed or how they died, will affect how the District Attorney will file the charges and will also help to determine the defense your criminal defense attorney will use. As an experienced Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney, my priority is always to protect the rights of my client, which, often times are violated during the initial investigation and subsequent arrest. I look closely at police conduct both prior to and after the arrest. It is also extremely important to interview any witnesses that the police agency has interviewed because police reports often leave out important information that witnesses may have provided and, whether intentional or not, the investigating officers have omitted from his or her report.

If it is determined that the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the prosecution, then the circumstances surrounding the death becomes the focal point. For example, was it an accident; was it during a heated argument; was it self-defense. There are many more defenses that an experienced murder defense attorney should explore. Let’s take for example a situation where two people who know each other begin to argue and the argument escalates until one of them looses control and ends up killing the other. It was not the intent of the person to kill the other but nonetheless, they now face murder charges. In this situation, a good criminal defense attorney should proceed to build his case with a view toward having the charges reduced to voluntary manslaughter. For purposes of this writing, I will discuss voluntary manslaughter and the possible sentences.

Voluntary manslaughter applies to killings that are committed during a sudden argument or in the heat of passion. The difference between murder and voluntary manslaughter is whether you acted with “malice aforethought. Malice aforethought exists when you act with (1) an intent to kill or (2) a wanton disregard for human life.

What constitutes “sudden argument” or “heat of passion”. What this means is you were provoked, and as a result of being provoked, you acted rashly and under the influence of intense emotion that obscured your reasoning or judgment, and the provocation would have caused an average person to act rashly and without due deliberation…that is, from passion rather than from judgment. Penal Code 192(a) defines heat of passion as: any violent or intense emotion that causes a person to act impulsively.

The penalties, punishment and sentencing vary depending upon the circumstances and the plea agreement reached. If convicted of voluntary manslaughter, you face three, six, or eleven years in prison. However, if convicted of murder, the exposure of time is 15 years to life in prison and the possibility of a death sentence. Other penalties might include: 1) a strike on your record which could increase your penalties if you have any prior felonies or if you are convicted of any future felonies; 2) a maximum $10,000.00 fine; 3) the loss of the right to own a firearm; 4) community service such as Cal Trans; 5) counseling services; and 6) any other conditions that the court deems appropriate.

Hiring the right criminal defense attorney in Orange County, California, can be the most important decision a person makes when being accused and/or charged with a criminal matter.

Anyone being accused of a crime in Orange County, California, should seek the advise of an attorney who is familiar with all the Courts in Orange County. An attorney who has a good working relationship with the individual Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and Probation Department, as well as the Court staff, will be better able to get your charges reduced and/or dismissed. An attorney familiar with the Courts in which a case is pending will result in the best possible outcome available.

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California Health & Safety Code 11350 makes it a crime for anyone to be in possession of a controlled substance. Possession of a controlled substance has nothing to do with under the influence of a controlled substance or possession of a controlled substance for sales. Simply being in possession is enough to be convicted. As an Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney, practicing law in Orange County for 20 years, I have gained invaluable experience and information with regard to how cops and the District Attorney build their cases. This has given me an advantage when it comes to preparing a defense for my clients.

Possession of a controlled substance is what is known as a “wobbler”, meaning that it may be filed as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending upon the circumstances and prior criminal history. Penalties if convicted include fines and up to three years in State Prison. For this reason, an experienced criminal defense attorney, specializing in drug possession cases, should be consulted.

Some defenses that should be explored are: 1) Was there probable cause to stop and search you; 2) Who did the drugs belong to; and 3) Maybe you are an addict and need treatment rather than punishment. However, if it turns out that the evidence is such that a guilty plea/verdict is inevitable, my goal is always to find an alternative to jail or prison time. For example, serving time in a drug program would be my goal if the judge and prosecution are determined that time must be served.

Anyone being accused of a crime in Orange County, California, should seek the advise of an attorney who is familiar with all the Courts in Orange County. An attorney who has a good working relationship with the individual Judges, District Attorneys, Court Clerks and Probation Department, as well as the Court staff, will be better able to get your charges reduced and/or dismissed. An attorney familiar with the Courts in which a case is pending will result in the best possible outcome available.

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