Thuy Le called 911 on Wednesday morning, claiming that she stabbed her 5-year-old and 3-year-old daughter and herself. She was staying at her cousin’s house in Westminster that night. Le’s cousin’s children noticed the living room covered in blood when they woke up and told their parents. Le was seen cradling one of her daughters after the 911 call had been made. Pham, Le’s cousin, said she had not been herself lately. She was stressed with her failed marriage and her failing business and suddenly became very religious. After police arrived, they arrested Le on suspicion of two attempted murders. The children are still in the hospital but are expected to survive.

The children must have been so scared to see their mother stabbing them. Clearly, Le was not mentally stable at the time she committed these heinous acts. Attempted murder is a serious charge and Le will need an experienced attorney to assist her in court. If Le claims she is guilty by reason of insanity, she will have to spend the rest of her life in a mental facility. Whether you live in Tustin, Fullerton or Laguna Beach, if you are charged with murder or attempted murder, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you.

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On Thursday of last week, an Orange County judge ordered Brian Benedict to pay more in child support for his son. He was very angered by the $500 increase in child support he had to pay. On Sunday, Rebecca Benedict, Brian’s ex-wife, went to go pick up her 4-year-old son from Brian’s on-campus apartment at University of California, Irvine as Brian’s weekend custody had terminated. The couple argued before he gave her the child. As Rebecca was leaving, Brian Benedict walked up behind Rebecca and shot her in the head, near their son. She fell to the ground and after being taken to the hospital, was pronounced dead. Police and campus security immediately detained Brian on suspicion of murder.

In his past, Brian studied at the U.S. Naval Academy and when he graduated, he was assigned to U.S. Air Force Space Command. After the Air Force he went to UCI to earn his graduate degree in physics. There, he met Rebecca and they were married soon after. In October of 2004, the couple had a soon together but in 2006, the couple split.

It was assumed that the bitter divorce and custody dispute along with the child support issues affected Brian so much that he acted on rage and anger when he committed this heinous crime. He will now be charged with the murder of his ex-wife. If convicted, he will likely face years in prison.

Whether you live in Tustin, Laguna Hills or Brea, if you are charged with murder, call an experienced attorney to assist you.

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Zachory Loring, 24, is prohibited from going within 100 yards of Audrina Patridge. Patridge is best known for her role on the reality show “The Hills” as well as being on magazines and in commercials. Last month, Loring went to Patridge’s house and declared that he was a fan. He gave her poems and notes that he wrote for her and handed her a drawing that had a woman being strangled. On two other occasions, Loring was found loitering on her property. Eventually, Patridge got scared and called police to escort him away from the property. This week, she received a temporary restraining order against him and will go back to court for a permanent order, because she believes she is being stalked by Loring.

Stalking is the act of repeatedly following someone and making threats against that person. In this case, Loring waited by Patridge’s house for her several times and once gave her a drawing that she felt was a threat against her. If Loring is charged with stalking, he may face prison time. Whether you live in Orange, Brea or Laguna Niguel, if you are charged with stalking, call an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you.

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Guy William Savage, or the Buddy Holly Bandit, was sentenced to 10 years in prison after an Anaheim bank robbery. Savage was shot and wounded by Anaheim police after waking into a Washington Mutual bank with a fake bomb taped to himself in 2005. He claims that police did not let him get medical help right away, which caused flesh eating bacteria to invade his body and nearly kill him. He was convicted of bank robbery charges and has to spend 10 years in prison and pay the bank back about $12,000. Once he is released from prison, he will have to go to drug counseling since he claims that he robbed the banks because of his drug addiction.

Savage had such a severe addiction to drugs that he would do anything to pay for his addiction. Robbing a bank to get money is not a good idea. Banks have lots of security and video cameras and people rarely get away with bank robberies. You will receive a larger sentence if you use a weapon to commit your robbery. A fake bomb would be considered a weapon since it instills fear in people. Whether you live in Westminster, Aliso Viejo or Tustin, if you are charged with robbery, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side.

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Dennis James Ward was found guilty yesterday of nine counts of lewd conduct on a child who was a young male relative of his, that occurred 15 years ago. For this crime, he now may face 30 years in state prison.

In 1985, two Costa Mesa boys claimed they were molested by Ward. Ward was convicted and was sentenced to six years, although he served just three years. He was released on parole in 1988 and the molestation on the victim/relative occurred between 1990 and 1992. The victim was between 4 and 7 at the time and did not tell anyone what occurred. Ward was then arrested in 1995 for molesting two young Huntington Beach boys and was sentenced to 23 years in prison. Ward was going to be released in 2007, but once the victim of the current case found out, he reported the molestation that occured 15 years prior.

Child molestation is a very serious offense that will stay on your record and will require you to register as a sex offender. Whether you live in Newport Beach, Laguna Niguel or Fullerton, if you are charged with child molestation, you will need a good Orange County defense attorney to investigate the claim and prepare defenses.

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Cesar Gomez is charged with murder with special circumstances for the alleged killing of Ashley Lilly, a prostitute. Lilly had posted on Myspace that she would be at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Anaheim and would offer her services to people that contacted her. Around August 20, 2009, Gomez went into Lilly’s room and beat her face and body and then strangled her. He ransacked her hotel room and stole personal items. On August 21, hotel staff found her dead in her room. Through DNA evidence, Gomez was suspected and arrested for the murder. Gomez had a prior strike on his record for a 1993 murder conviction. If convicted of this murder, he will face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Gomez did not sexually assault Lilly and seemed interested only in murderher personal belongings. The District Attorney will allege that this crime was for the benefit of a criminal street gang and committed this crime for the benefit of the gang. If it is proven that Gomez did this for the benefit of the gang, his sentence will be enhanced significantly.

There is a split among the courts as to whether the DA has to prove that the crime was for the benefit of the gang. The basic gang statute in California, Penal Code section 186.22 says “Any person who actively participates in any criminal street gang with knowledge that its members engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity, and who willfully promotes, furthers, or assists in any felonious criminal conduct by members of
that gang, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period not to exceed one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months, or two or three years.” Gomez’s lawyer will likely argue that he did this crime due to personal reasons (robbery) and that it had nothing to do with promoting the gang or making people afraid of the gang.

Whether you live in Santa Ana, Fullerton or Huntington Beach, if you are charged with murder, assault or prostitution, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you.

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During these tough economic times, people are going to desperate measures to get money. The newest way people are making money, is torching their cars or reporting them stolen and then collecting the insurance money. Suspected vehicle arson fraud went up 31% from 2007 to 2008. Suspected vehicle theft fraud went up 15% from 2007 to 2008. Already in 2009, there are more questionable vehicle thefts and arsons, as well as more suspicious “hit while parked” reports and phantom accidents than in 2008.

An obvious sign of fraud is when inconsistent stories are told to the insurance company. Often, people in Southern California drive their cars down to Mexico and leave them there, and then report the cars stolen. Now, insurance companies are investigating claims more thoroughly. If you are caught lying to the insurance companies, you will be charged with insurance fraud. Once charged, you must pay back what you owe the insurance company and you may even go to jail. For more information on fraud investigation, click here.

Whether you live in Irvine, Santa Ana or Newport Beach, if you are charged with fraud, you will need an experienced Orange County defense attorney to assist you.

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Anand Jon Alexander was convicted of 16 counts of rape and sexual assault and was sentenced to 59 years to life in prison for his acts. Alexander was a well known fashion designer in California and was well liked among celebrities. Alexander hired models (some who were under 18) for his fashion shows and then raped and assaulted them and other model hopefuls who he lured to his house.

Initially, the grand jury indicted Alexander of 59 counts, but the majority of the charges were dropped. Before sentencing, Alexander claimed he didn’t receive a fair trial because a juror contacted his sister, the prosecution withheld evidence and his attorneys were ineffective. Since he thought his lawyers were ineffective, he fired them and represented himself in court. Nevertheless, the judge still sentenced him to 59 years to life in state prison. He is awaiting similar rape and sexual assault charges in Texas and New York. If he is convicted of those, he will have more time tacked onto his sentence.

This sentence of 59 years to life seems very steep for rape charges. Although the article did not mention the details of the rapes, they must have been very heinous. In California, rape is a very serious crime that comes with steep penalties. Additionally, statutory rape or the rape of someone under 18, is an even more serious crime and was probably what cause Alexander to receive such a long sentence.

Whether you live in Laguna Beach, Westminster or Brea, if you are charged with rape or sexual assault, call an experienced OC criminal defense attorney to assist you in fighting your charges.

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David Dunlap was stopped on Monday in Lake Forest for rolling past a stop sign. When the officer pulled him over, he smelled a strong marijuana smell. Upon further investigation, the officer found 1 gram of marijuana on Dunlap and another 97 grams and a scale in his backpack. Dunlap said he had bought it from a nearby marijuana dispensary and was selling it to others who had medical marijuana cards. The sale of medical marijuana is only allowed by specific dispensaries according to the Compassionate Use Act. Dunlap was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana and possession for sale. The estimated street value of 98 grams of marijuana is about $1600.

Medical Marijuana is available to people who have chronic illnesses and who are in constant pain. Once patients have applied for a medical marijuana card and have received one, they may buy drugs from specific marijuana dispensaries throughout the state. Each state has varying laws on how much you can buy at one time. In California, you may only buy 8 ounces of marijuana at one time.

Whether you live in Santa Ana, Fullerton or Buena Park, if you are charged with possession or sale of drugs, call an experienced Orange County defense attorney to assist you.

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The Los Angeles Station Fire that started a couple of weeks ago, was just ruled to be an arson fire. Officers are looking for the arsonist who they think matches the profile of a typical arsonist: a while male between 15-25 years old who set the fire out of revenge. The Station Fire has burned about 230 square miles, burned down 60 homes and killed two firefighters. The California governor has authorized a $100,000 reward to any person that turns in the arsonist. Once this arsonist is caught, he will be charged with murder and arson and will likely face the death penalty.

Humans are the number one cause of fires in Southern California. In 2008, humans caused over 5,000 wildfires, which was the highest number in years. Arsonists are hard to catch though because they rarely come back to the scene of the crime and normally burn areas that are not commonly populated or recorded on surveillance cameras. Whether you live in Anaheim, Laguna Beach or Orange, if are charged with arson, you will need an experienced defense attorney to assist you.

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