Joshua Fry was coached into answer recruiter’s questions when he enlisted in the United States Marine Corp. according to his defense attorney. Fry was convicted of possessing child porn and has spent the better part of a year in the brig.
Rep. Loretta Sanchez is looking into the matter since she’s the head of the Military Affairs subcommittee in Washington. What is troubling about this case is that the Marine Corp may have been able to do something about this young man’s problem long before criminal charges were filed against him. The recruiter picked him up from his group home and brought him to the recruiting station.
Anyone caught possessing child porn in Orange County can look forward to the possibility of registering as a sex offender for the rest of their life, along with jail time and the ruination of their reputation. Child porn possession has been thought to be a precursor crime to molestation. That is why this story is important. Fry was caught, but suffered unnecessarily because of a overzealous recruiter. Whether your case is in Orange County, be it Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Fullerton or Westminster, having a qualified criminal molest attorney is a good idea.