Consider the following scenario: your client is charged with burglary, possession for sales of heroin and receiving stolen property. He’s got a couple of strike priors, has been to prison once before and is now facing 25 to Life. The D.A. offers to strike one of his strikes and give him 11 years. He will serve 80% of his sentence.

This is a common situation, so common that among experienced criminal defense lawyers it hardly raises an eyebrow. But 12 years ago, following passage of the 3-strikes initiative, this was a high-stress event for attorneys and clients alike.

Does Three Strikes work? Does it prevent future crimes? Logically, if someone is in prison, they cannot commit a crime on the streets.

Well, I haven’t been much of a post-er on this blog, but defending people takes a lot of time, not to mention running a private law practice, a completely separate job.

What’s worth noting is that the job itself, defending the accused, hasn’t changed and never will. A good lawyer is always looking to humanize his client, to separate him or her from the others who pass through the court system.

In Orange County, the criminal defense community is small. We know who each other is, who’s a fighter and who dumps clients the moment they’ve been paid. How do you tell who’s a fighter? Ask for their results. There should be no problem finding out their track record.

Sheriff Mike Carona, hot off his relection victory, looks to be in retribution mode. Once the dust of the election had settled, he was off on a purge.
Many have argued that Carona’s flirtation with scandal makes him a poor candidate for the top law enforcement job in Orange County. Whether it’s questionable campaign contributions, or close political allies indicted for criminal activity, Carona seems to miss the point. He hasn’t kept his skirts clean, forgetting that perception is part of reality. People associate him with scandal.

Further, he promised to limit himself to two terms. Now, that promise broken, his slim (50%) majority makes him vulnerable in the future.