
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


The Insanity Defense in California

There is no functional difference between temporary and permanent insanity under California law. The sole issue in California is the status of the defendant’s sanity at the time of the crime. The method of determining a defendant’s sanity is the two pronged M’Naghten rule. 1) The first prong requires a defendant to understand…


‘Kaitlyn’s Law’: The Legal Repercussions of Leaving a Child Unattended in the Car

As temperatures rise going into spring and summer, so does the risk of vehicular hyperthermia for children left inside hot vehicles. Each year since 1998 an average of 38 children have died in hot cars in the U.S. Although these tragedies occur nationally, California is one of only 20 states…


Penal Code 1001.80 Pretrial Diversion For Nonviolent Firearm Offenses

Penal Code Chapter 2.9C 1001.80 Pretrial Diversion For Firearm Offenses The Legislature has introduced a new bill that will establish a pretrial diversion education program for those who are arrested for nonviolent misdemeanor or felony firearms offenses. The bill will specify the guidelines and define the criteria, application and procedures…


California Proposition 47 Lawyer In Orange County

California Proposition 47, Do You Qualify? California Proposition 47 is a recently approved law, which allows many individuals who have criminal convictions, to reduce their felony conviction(s) to misdemeanor convictions. Further, it allows those who are currently being prosecuted for felonies, to have their charges reduced to misdemeanors and prosecuted…


Identity Theft And Other Related Fraud Charges In Orange County

Identity Theft Identity theft is defined in Penal Code 530.5 and is described as follows: The willful taking of someone’s personal identity information for the purpose of securing credit, money, services or property, in their name for your benefit, without their consent.   If you take and keep another person’s…


The Many Forms of White Collar Crime In Orange County, California

White collar crime involves illegal activity that is done for the sole purpose of financial gain to the individual being accused and typically takes place in a businesses or corporation. It doesn’t matter whether the business is a small, “mom and pop” business or a large corporation.   Any theft of…

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