Two graduates of an exclusive Pennsylvania prep school were charged with operating an extensive drug ring that dealt cocaine and marijuana to students at high schools and colleges in an affluent part of Philadelphia, authorities said on Tuesday.’ These two young men reportedly led the effort to create a “monopoly”…
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
What Is A Ramey Warrant And How Is It Different From An Arrest Warrant?
In very simple terms, a Ramey Warrant is an arrest warrant that is obtained by a police agency by going directly to a judge and bypassing the district attorney. Typically, in order for a police agency to get a warrant, they must submit a report to the District Attorney and,…
Sealing And Destroying Your Juvenile Court And Arrest Record
Why Should I Seal My Juvenile Record? Although you may have successfully completed your probation, having a juvenile record can have a negative effect on your life going forward. It may become an issue when you are trying to get a job or get into a college. Having your record…
Southern California Criminal Arrests At Popular Beaches
There are some who believe that as the weather warms up, there is an increase in criminal behavior. This however may be due to the increase in the number of interactions that people have with one another during the warmer months. Warmer weather can bring together potential wrongdoers, victims, and…
Battery On A Police Officer
As a criminal defense attorney practicing in Orange County, California for more than 20 years, I have represented many individuals charged with battery, as well as battery on a peace officer. The legal definition of battery is: “Any willful and unlawful use of force of violence upon the person of…
Sexual Battery Charges and Defenses
California Penal Code Section 243.4 defines sexual battery as the non-consensual touching of the intimate part of another for sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse. It can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending upon the circumstances. Some people may find this hard to believe but,…
What Is The Difference Between Embezzlement And Theft
What is embezzlement and how is it different from a theft charge? Put in very simple terms, embezzlement is basically stealing from your employer. The distinction between embezzlement and theft is the term “entrusting”. It is the way in which the theft was committed. The Penal Code defines embezzlement as…
Filing a Petition To Seal And Destroy Arrest Records
Penal Code Section 851.8 provides that a person who has been arrested or detained and is determined to be factually innocent may petition the law enforcement agency or court having jurisdiction over the matter to provide for the sealing and destruction of the record of that arrest. Petitions concerning arrests…
Domestic Violence Charges Misdemeanor or Felony
When I get a call from someone who has been arrested for domestic violence, they often tell me that they were arrested for “Felony” domestic violence. What they don’t understand is that arresting agencies typically will call it a felony at the time of arrest, but it is up to…
Analysis of Recent Drug Trafficking Where 670 Pounds of Cocaine Seized at the Border in San Clemente
Border Patrol officers in San Clemente intercepted $6.7 million of cocaine at a freeway checkpoint last week when a man claiming to be a U.S. citizen was stopped. The 54-year-old man was nicely dressed in a suit and tie and driving a relatively new automobile but there was something about…