
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Possession of Cocaine Guilty Verdict Reversed By Supreme Court

A recent Supreme Court decision resulted in a guilty verdict being reversed citing that the defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights had been violated. As an Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney, protecting the rights under the United States Constitution, is paramount in the defense of my clients. This case is a good…


U.S. Supreme Court To Decide Whether The Use Of GPS Devices Vioates The Fourth Amendment

This November, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear argument in United States v. Jones, which looks at whether or not police who use GPS devices to track suspects, violates their Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures. As an Orange County California Criminal Defense Attorney, this case deals with…


Orange County Man Charged With Domestic Violence

A La Habra man was arrested and charged with domestic violence battery, violating a restraining order, resisting and obstructing an officer and dissuading a witnesses from reporting a crime. According to reports, when officers responded to a 911 domestic violence call, the La Habra man refused to obey commands given…


La Habra Woman Facing Embezzlement Charges

A 55-year-old La Habra woman has been arrested and charged with 103 Counts of “Embezzlement”. Specifically, the charges filed by the Orange County District Attorney are: (1) Acts Constituting Forgery, 470(d)PC; Making False Entries in Records or Returns, 471PC and Grand Theft, 487(a)PC. Included are the following Sentencing “Enhancements”: (1)…

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