A 55-year-old La Habra woman has been arrested and charged with 103 Counts of “Embezzlement”. Specifically, the charges filed by the Orange County District Attorney are: (1) Acts Constituting Forgery, 470(d)PC; Making False Entries in Records or Returns, 471PC and Grand Theft, 487(a)PC. Included are the following Sentencing “Enhancements”: (1)…
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Brandishing A Weapon Or Firearm Laws In Orange County California
Brandishing a weapon or firearm, Penal Code 417 PC, is just one of California gun laws. Drawing, exhibiting or using a firearm or deadly weapon in an angry or threatining manner, is prohibited. This is commonly referred to as “brandishing” a weapon. A conviction of this subjects you to a…
Santa Ana Man Accused of Indecent Exposure
A 20 year old Santa Ana man is facing a maximum of 3 years and six months in custody after being arrested and charged with 1 count of Felony attempted sexual battery, four misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure and three misdemeanor counts of child annoyance. If convicted, he must also…
Santa Ana Man Accused of Indecent Exposure
A 20 year old Santa Ana man is facing a maximum of 3 years and six months in custody after being arrested and charged with 1 count of Felony attempted sexual battery, four misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure and three misdemeanor counts of child annoyance. If convicted, he must also…
Juveniles And The Law
The juvenile justice system is different from the adult justice system. In Orange County Juvenile Court, the focus is on treatment and rehabilitation for the juvenile while the adult justice system focuses on punishment. However, depending upon the charge, a juvenile can be prosecuted as an adult and be subject…
Juveniles And The Law
The juvenile justice system is different from the adult justice system. In Orange County Juvenile Court, the focus is on treatment and rehabilitation for the juvenile while the adult justice system focuses on punishment. However, depending upon the charge, a juvenile can be prosecuted as an adult and be subject…
Fatal Crash In San Juan Capistrano May Result in Manslaughter Charges
A 21 year old man, a passenger in a Jeep, was killed after the driver reportedly ran a red light, sideswiped another car, went through a chain-link fence and ended up against an equipment shed in a middle school in San Juan Capistrano. The driver could be charged with vehicular…
Vehicular Maslaughter Charges and Penalties in Orange County, California
Vehicular Manslaughter defined is basically the crime of causing the death of a human being due to illegal driving of an automobile, including gross negligence, drunk driving, reckless driving, or speeding. Whether a person is charged with misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter or felony vehicular manslaughter depends upon the circumstances of the…
Vehicular Maslaughter Charges and Penalties in Orange County, California
Vehicular Manslaughter defined is basically the crime of causing the death of a human being due to illegal driving of an automobile, including gross negligence, drunk driving, reckless driving, or speeding. Whether a person is charged with misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter or felony vehicular manslaughter depends upon the circumstances of the…
San Clemente Woman Arrested With 11.9 Pounds of Crystal Meth
Border Patrol Agents, along with their canine team, discovered 11.9 pounds of crystal meth hidden in the bumper of a 24-year-old woman’s car at a border stop in Orange County, California. The drugs are estimated to have a street value of $214,000.00. The woman, a U.S. citizen, and the drugs…