
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


San Clemente, California Man Charged with SEC Fraud

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Irvine-based Brookstreet Securities and it’s CEO, Stanley Brooks with Fraud, alleging they sold risky mortgage-backed securities to investors and failed to inform them properly of the risks. These types of investment vehicles are at the heart of the collapse of the U.S. and…


California Junior High Students Assault Red-Haired Students

Last week, at A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas, five junior high students were kicked by fellow students. These attacks came after a Facebook group sent a message around to students claiming it was “Kick a Ginger Day” which meant students were supposed to kick redheads at their school. Police…


California Drug Bust Leads to 10 Children Being Put in Protective Custody

On Friday, a drug bust was made in Castaic leading to four arrests and ten children being put in protective custody. Rafael Arciniega and James Stern were arrested for possessing methamphetamine for sale and put in jail. Midalia Hernandez was arrested for possessing methamphetamine and was also jailed. Manuel Arciniega…

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