
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Teenagers Arrested on Suspicion of Breaking Into Celebrity Homes

Around 6 people have been arrested for a string of burglaries that they allegedly committed in ritzy Hollywood neighborhoods over the past year. The masterminds behind the operation were apparently four girls who wanted the clothing and jewelry that celebrities had. Apparently, Rachel Lee, Diana Tamayo, Courtney Ames and Alexis…


Fullerton Soldier Charged with Sexual Assault

This week, Army Spc. Jason Scofield, 37, was charged with eight felony counts of sexual misconduct with a 16-year-old. Before joining the army, Scofield was a gymnastics instructor in Tustin. Allegedly, earlier this year, Scofield had a three-month-long intimate relationship with a 16-year-old girl he met while working as an…

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