Two sale-hungry women took power shopping to a new level this weekend when eight people were arrested at the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance after a crowd of 300 to 400 people gathered outside a movie theater to watch the women fight over clothes. The L.A. Times reports that…
California Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Police seek suspect in Pasadena rape
A Pasadena woman was raped this week and Los Angeles Police are still looking for her attacker. The Daily News reports that the victim was picked up by a motorist in a Ford F150 from a bus stop on Colorado Boulevard early Friday morning. After getting into the truck, the…
Juvenile arrested at Santa Clarita Metrolink station for gun possession
A 15-year-old boy was arrested on a Metrolink train bound for Santa Clarita for carrying an automatic rifle. The Antelope Valley boy, whose name was withheld because he is a minor, was released from custody a week ago before being picked up on the gun charges. The Daily News reports…
How to get out of jail if arrested in Orange County
If you or a friend or family member has been arrested in Orange County, the following are a few things you need to know to get out of jail: (1) Posting bail. The usual way to get released from jail is to “post bail.” Bail is cash or a cash…
Melrose Man in Santa suit goes on killing spree at Covina Christmas Party
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that a festive Christmas Eve party took a terrible turn for a Covina family. The Times reports that a man dressed in a Santa suit opened fire at his ex-wife’s Christmas Eve party and then set the house ablaze. Authorities believe that eight people…
Probe of SEC ordered
According to the L.A. Daily News, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Christopher Cox said his agency neglected to pursue allegations of wrongdoing by Bernard L. Madoff, the alleged perpetrator of a $50 billion Ponzi scheme for the last ten years. As a result, Cox ordered a probe by the…
Police arrest Westminster man after finding home full of lights, snowmen and inflatable Santas
Westminster police responded to a typical disturbing the peace call last week–but instead of finding disgruntled family members, they fell upon a herd of wicker reindeer in the living room, yards of Christmas lights, faux Christmas trees, several snowmen and many inflatable Santa Claus figures. According to the L.A. Times,…
L.A. city council approves gun control measures
Earlier this week I posted a blog about the effectiveness of gun control and it seems that gun control is also on the minds of Los Angeles City Council. Yesterday, the L.A. Times reported that the Public Safety Committee of the Los Angeles City Council approved a package of gun…
Burress Arrest and Terrorist attack revives gun control debate
The media has spent much of the past ten days covering the arrest of New York Giants receiver Plaxico Burress on gun charges and the tragedy in India where 125 people lost their lives at the hands of terrorists. (A recent L.A. Times article can be found here) Both bring…
For most misdemeanor offenses in California, a police officer can only make an arrest of a suspect without a warrant if the offense was committed in the officer’s presence. If a felony is suspected, officers can arrest people based upon witness statements, or where a warrant for the person’s arrest…